Friday, June 14, 2019

A week has passed since we learned about the death of Hillary's brother, Tony Rodham, but.....

...not one article containing any actual information regarding the departure of the former First Lady, US Senator, and Presidential candidate's younger brother.

 ~~ Waiting ~~

     To the average reader, nothing about this unfortunate event for Rodham's immediate family resembles the slightest appearance of common normalcy.

     Even the dearly departed's sister tweeting about her cherished sibling, opened with a line appearing to be more suitable for a local newspaper's lost and found section. No details provided...Period.

     Where was the typical lines associated with obituary announcements...."following his courageous battle with (insert applicable affliction)...or "The injuries received as a result of a recent car accident, were just too severe to overcome, etc, etc. etc."  

      Many of you might be thinking, at a time like this, the family should be afforded a period of respect and privacy.  And yes, we agree with this sentiment, but WE were not the originator of this story (see below), and when you are in the business of reporting 'the news,' don't you think your readers should at least be provided the basics, beyond simply WHO, and a vague reference to WHEN. What about the expected WHAT, WHERE AND WHY? You know...details?

     We have spent this past week, looking high and low,  for any tidbit of information relevant to Mister Rodham's untimely death.  As illustrated in the graphic above, every major National and local news media outlet quickly seized the opportunity to echo Mrs. Clinton's Twitter blurb, but apparently felt no further obligation to their readers to provide....yes, details.

     The closest resemblance to specifics we could find was located about eight paragraphs down in a report published by a (I guess we can say) hometown newspaper, sharing memories from a Rodham family friend.  Finally!  An inadvertent conversational comment in passing, indicating the, now deceased, was not in the best of health.   Perhaps The Citizen's Voice should be awarded a Pulitzer Prize for it's unintentional investigative reporting in this otherwise, mysterious cliffhanger.

     Meanwhile, we'll be waiting for the WHAT, WHERE and WHY details of this continuing, and unfinished story.  And, when we get the scoop, you'll be the first to know.


  1. He and his lawyer weren't going to be called in for questioning regarding Hillary, were they?

  2. During the AIDS epidemic, newspapers stopped reporting on the cause of death.

  3. I think she had him suicided so Durham couldn't get to him.


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