"There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the
enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the
military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the
people." -- commenter John McClanaghan *
"When the police become a military, the people become the enemy." Cops aren't the soldiers of the New World Order...they're just mall ninjas who want to feel like cool tactical elite special tactical operators who tactically operate in tactical operations."**
"Some of us reject the mindless belief that the police need military vehicles and machine guns to protect and serve."**
You Tube: libertynewsmedia
Update to this report***.....About 9,000 MRAPs are on track to be sent back to the United States. Barney Fife-types all around the United States.....

.....will now be unleashed and high-school-girly-giddy, in anticipation of blowing mindless citizens away, who might stupidly spit on the sidewalks of Mayberry.

SLEEP TONIGHT AMERICA (with one eye open, and one foot on the floor)
"In a pre-dawn drug raid late last month in northern Georgia, the
Habersham County police entered the home of the Phonesavanh family while
they were sleeping and dropped a “flashbang” grenade in a crib holding a
19-month-old boy, who was badly burned and later placed into a
medically induced coma. No one was arrested, and no weapons or drugs
were found inside the home." FULL STORY HERE:
"Some of us think it's lunacy to claim every small town needs a heavily-armed police force in case terrorist attack."**

"Some of us think it's ludicrous to spend our taxpayer dollars on a fleet of military armored trucks for every city, town, and university campus (I am not making that up!) that asks for one."**
"Some of us just oppose
the militarization of police." **

"These things are MILITARY VEHICLES....

.....It's well past time for America's law enforcement to stop trying to be military forces with military gear and get back to being "law enforcement"." -- commenter NeutronStar73*
get back to being
"law enforcement"

via: http://lawenforcementtoday.com
* commenter John McClanaghan http://gizmodo.com/small-town-police-are-getting-leftover-war-vehicles-and-1588147456/all
** commenter adavaas http://gizmodo.com/small-town-police-are-getting-leftover-war-vehicles-and-1588147456/all
*** http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htlog/articles/20130714.aspx
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