--Partial content presented here, previously appeared at Obiter Dictum on January 1, 2019, in an article titled, "Try to imagine a citizen's sponsored investigation of these two arrogant Democrat Cult Weasels, and their legislative minions."-- (The other weasel referred to in this title was, of course...Nancy Pelosi).
Rather than wasting valuable resources, investigating 'the has-been-Hag,' Pelosi, dirt digger's time and funds would be better spent taking a closer look at this obnoxious, and bellicose serpent;
Perhaps, also taking a closer look at a few of his young male protégés, might also give us a better idea of what else might be going on when tenure and seniority allows career politicians to become immune to the same laws applied to common American citizens.
A bit of advanced and useful advice for prospective, ambitious investigators. Rather than using Schumer's Russian
involvement in a Russia/New York petro deal. (He's already been able to
brush aside that alleged scheme), we believe the answer to any smoking
lies just below the surface, and between that fine line of innuendo and
provable fact.
Hand-picked by, then Congressman Charles Schumer (D-NY),
to serve an internship with his Congressional offices.
We believe any and all answers to a credible Schumer probe
begins and ends with one man. Anthony Weiner, alias 'Carlos Danger.'
Working this closely on a daily basis can be very instructive for an
impressionable and awe-struck young intern.
The young man pictured above and seated next to then, New York Congressman Charles Schumer is self-described Schumer protégé, Anthony Weiner.
"My greatest advantage is that I worked for Schumer for six years," Weiner declared. "I think that my longstanding and very close relationship with the congressman will inure to my advantage.” (my added emphasis).
So bright was his political future that in 1998 Weiner succeeded
Chuck Schumer as US House of Representatives for New York's 9th
Congressional District. From 1999 to 2011 Weiner held that
office...until he suddenly resigned following a nationally publicized
sexting scandal. Following several rounds of explicit sexual
involvement, in 2017, Weiner was sentenced to 21 months in prison for
sexting a 15 year old girl.
You might be wondering where his good friend, and political
mentor, Chuck Schumer was when all this negative publicity was
unfolding. During his internship days with Schumer, the elder mentor
fondly referred to him as his "Weiner Beaner." Schumer's absence in
defense of his "Weiner Beaner" during Anthony's troubled days created a
very noticeable, visible vacancy.
Anthony in turn, described his boss, Chucky, as "my only professional influence."
Anthony in turn, described his boss, Chucky, as "my only professional influence."
How much this influence had to do with Weiner's future problems
would make for some spirited discussion, but for any energetic dirt
diggers, a now evaporated BFF angle probably would be an interesting starting point.
In 1996, Cosmopolitan magazine even went so far as to suggest that he (Weiner) might be President someday.
His not so optimistic Aunt once gushingly mused, "I
don’t think he’ll be the first Jewish President, but maybe Speaker of
the House.”* As we head into this New Year 2019, peachy wishful
thinking back then by Auntie Lois, probably would be a better
alternative to what we as a nation are faced to endure, for at least the
next two years, with this "bat shit crazy"** nut-job at the legislative
ship's helm.
One aside mention to a comment
originated at this website regarding Schumer's roadblocks to a majority
of President Trump's official nominees. "Taking
a look at Senator Schumer's personal experience with mistakes he made
in the selection of Anthony Weiner to be a trusted aide, should
disqualify him from defining someone else's character, and ability to
serve the people of this country."
Chuck Schumer's TOP AIDE, Matt House, fired over improper
taken in Nov, 2018, but conveniently tucked aside for the perfect
release time, lost in a frenzy of fake news Trump bashing)
considering this latest development, Schumer seems to be in the running
to set some sort of record for hiring very close associates, with
either alleged checkered pasts, or at the very least, a perverse desire
to prey on younger individuals, either associated with Schumer's
circle of employees, or victims drawn to them because of their position
and friendship with the Senator, as later illustrated by Anthony Weiner,
aka 'Carlos Danger.'
"A new day has dawned in Washington, D.C., and We the People must legally
take down the evil forces of the left, before they totally destroy the
work of our Founding Fathers. It’s either them or us; the two of us
cannot live side by side, as the likes of Senate Minority Leader Chuck
Schumer have ignited a war! Either we must win this war now, or the
republic as created in 1776 will not survive!" -- Larry Klayman***
* https://observer.com/1999/05/such-a-nice-congressmanbut-skinny-anthony-weiner-plays-the-new-schumer/
** Comedian Dennis Miller
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