Friday, June 26, 2015

As a 'free white male,' and following today's Supreme Court ruling, it is probably time to ask for my brother's hand in marriage. (Don't be alarmed family--It is strictly a 'business arrangement.')

Monday, July 1, 2013--Originally published on this blog.

"Now that government-sanctioned marriage is a sacrilege offering nothing more than the filthy lucre of government and employee benefits, new ways to use it will be found". -- Bob Lonsberry

     This kid 'gets it.'
      Final decrees handed down by our Supreme Court Justices are nothing more than "the cobbled-together opinion of five unaccountable political appointees in Washington, D.C."
      Unfortunately, their opinions can, and do, have consequential ramifications for millions of people who ask nothing more than to be allowed living their lives the way our founders intended....FREE....without interference from pompous and arrogant individuals who view themselves as shepherds for an unruly, and sometimes peripatetic herd of naughty humans.

'Mockery of Marriage'
     And now the black-robed-ones have succeeded in making a mockery of marriage.  Same sex individuals can now legally marry, but as some observers now point out, who is to say these individuals must be 'gay?'  One interesting example, 

 "If I am about to die, and you are my friend, why don’t we marry so that you can get my Social Security survivor benefits?"* 

     As Lonsberry so observantly points out, "The slate has been wiped clean.
Which means it is free to be written upon.  Now that government-sanctioned marriage is a sacrilege offering nothing more than the filthy lucre of government and employee benefits, new ways to use it will be found.
     If the government makes marriage a joke, then resourceful people will make what they can out of the scrap." 

     Lonsberry says, "It doesn’t matter the gender, it doesn’t matter the motivation, it only matters that you’ve got your rights."**

     Our only concern now, is convincing an Imam to make our marriage official at the local Mosque.


Lonsberry's article can be read in its entirety at this link:

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