Thursday, August 27, 2020

Nancy Pelosi, "You worthless piece of human debris." YOU and your Godless Democrat Cult. YOU OWN THIS DOMESTIC TERRORISM.

This horrific act of cowardice allegedly by a BLM
Black Lives Matters terrorist happened Sunday night in the now, all out war zone of Kenosha, Wisconsin.
According to sketchy reports from the scene by individuals who viewed the vicious attack, and also those who caught the despicable display on video, only identified the man as "an elderly man trying to run off looters and rioters by spraying them with a fire extinguisher."
Unfortunately, NO MAJOR REPORTING OUTLETS had the balls to show this violence to the American people.
And, one more thought before viewing this atrocity...Please stop referring to the following: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST AND above all, THE NEW YORK TIMES, as
"Main Stream Media."
By doing so, you are literally 
"Dressing up a pig in a fine Hugo Boss suit." 
Start referring to these traitors to the American people as what they are, based on who they work for...the corrupt corporate giants who own each and every major media organization in the United States of America.
From this day forward they will be referred to as,
Beastly acts of terrorism are beyond contempt, and anyone calling themselves a citizen of the United States of America, and allows the so-called journalists of this country to turn their backs on reporting about this vicious attack on someone attempting to protect private property, should be shunned and shamed for daring to call themselves reporters.
And what is to be said about gutless political miscreants leading the 'Commie' Democrat Cult?
I remember a few years ago when acts similar to those we are witnessing today, took place in California, and when asked to comment on the outrageous displays of destruction by some of these same terrorist, Nancy Pelosi, without hesitation remarked, "God Bless them...for exercising their 1st Amendment right." 
And more recently, when the man turd who presided over the Impeachment of President Trump, farce...
Congressman (joke) Jerry Nadler from (where else), the cesspool more commonly known as New York, said any reports about the RIOTING taking place in cities like Portland, Oregon, was
Getting rid of these swamp creatures by turning them back at the polls in November will simply be a slap on the wrist, and will only incited their goons even more.  It is time for their cult to be totally dismantled.
Then, and only then,
 once again live our lives in Peace.

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