Sunday, August 30, 2020

Putting a human face on a brutally murdered 5 year old boy, which most Dark Media Networks precieved as nothing more than a badly timed caricature..

     Five days after this innocent little boy, 5-year-old
 Cannon Hinnant      
was brutally murdered, someone at CNN apparently made an executive decision to report on this tragedy.

     FIVE DAYS AFTER neighbor, 25 year old Darius Sessoms, approached the child playing on his bicycle, and shot him in the head at point blank range. Police have charged Sessoms with first-degree murder.

     The obvious story, of course, is the insane and apparent random killing of this totally innocent kid.  An intense search by this website, 21 days following this barbaric inhumane act, and we are unable to locate any information from local police regarding a motive for the senseless murder. 


     (Go ahead..."Google it!"  Apparently no interest in this tragedy.  Dark Media would rather keep beating the 'George Floyd, Black Lives Matter, Drum.'  Racist, RAcist, RACIST.  Ladies and gentlemen...pardon my indiscretion...but, it's all Bullshit!!!!!).

     According to reports, an eye witness, neighbor Doris Lybrand said  "she watched the whole thing happen from her window; she claimed Sessoms ran up to Cannon, put the gun near his head and fired before running back to his house.

     "My first reaction was he's playing with the kids," she said. "For a second, I thought, 'That couldn't happen.' People don't run across the street and kill kids."


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