Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A Mind (EVEN a Liberal's mind) Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

If she passes out while driving using this Virus Survival Gear, gets in a head-on collision and arrives DOA at the local emergency center, her cause of death will be listed as just another tragic victim of the dreaded 
Covid-19 Virus. 
What a downer.  Living your life as a card-carrying Liberal, only to have your existence snuffed out because of an ignorant abiding reverence to a dying political cult's final grasp on survival, rather than for some worthy initiative, like burning buildings and hurting people in
 Antifa/BLM inspired riots. 

Now you know how fearful it is, being a life-long registered Republican...thoughts of dying, and then voting Democrat for the rest of eternity.

“A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.”  Rahm Emanuel, when he was Chief of Staff for President Barack Obama. On November 19, 2008, Emanuel said: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

     And, what Emanuel said then, is exactly what these power crazed zealots are doing right now.  Using an alleged Worldwide deadly pandemic to prey on the fears of wide-eyed, brain bleached innocents of this world, who still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. (The latter, of course, banned from fulfilling those child-like fantasies in a 2020 Virus terror-stricken America).

So Sad 

     'Having someone right where you want them'--used for saying you are happy with the situation that someone is in because it gives you power over them, or will help you to get something that you want from them.*


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