Friday, August 7, 2020

"The ultimate culprit in this Covid-19 mess is Anthony Fauci...."

 "...he now stands exposed as a complete incompetent and has got to go."

By: Monica Showalter    

     "Dr. Anthony Fauci has been hailed in the press as the nation's top infectious disease expert.  He's been feted with presidential honors and high praise for his medical acumen.  His policy disagreements with President Trump, supposedly as the voice of "science," have made him a hero on the left.  Such laurels and the implied power conveyed have led to some weird side-effects — such as his image featured on ladies' underwear and declarations that he's the sexiest man alive.

     He's still being posterized on the left with calls to "Thank Dr. Fauci."  Here's one:

Screenshot, banner ad.

     But it's about time this idol topples, based on this summary about Fauci's startlingly bad medicine and bad medical policy on COVID, which has in fact cost thousands of lives.  And yes, he is very specifically to blame. 

     Virologist Steven Hatfill, writing in RealClearPolitics, summed up just how disastrous Fauci has been for America's COVID response, based on Fauci's suppression of evidence about hydroxychloroquine, the safest and most effective treatment for COVID based on all reputable studies, and the political power he's used to halt its treatment even as the rest of the world got well from the inexpensive medication's use.

The "Fauci Strategy" was to keep early infected patients quarantined at home without treatment until they developed a shortness of breath and had to be admitted to a hospital. Then they would they [sic] be given hydroxychloroquine. The Food and Drug Administration cluelessly agreed to this doctrine and it stated in its hydroxychloroquine Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) that "hospitalized patients were likely to have a greater prospect of benefit (compared to ambulatory patients with mild illness)."

In reality just the opposite was true. This was a tragic mistake by Fauci and FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn and it was a mistake that would cost the lives of thousands of Americans in the days to come.

     Other countries got well from COVID.  But America didn't.  America today is still floundering around on lockdowns, re-lockdowns, its schools shut, its election growing dubious.  And the persistence of the pandemic can directly be traced to the incompetent, bad medical decisions of Dr. Anthony Fauci, which have left America a COVID wasteland while the rest of the world got well......"

     Continue reading article at this link:

Meme added by this website...not associated with American Thinker linked article.

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