Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton says "she has been more transparent than anybody she can think of in public life." REEally !!!!!

"Monopoly Media in the United States of America is betraying the American people by willingly, voluntarily, even proudly, abandoning its traditional role as watchdog against government abuse."--Anonymous

     And when the American media stands on the sidelines, playing the role of water boy, and forcing the new media, and supermarket tabloids, to assume the head coach's position, it is time to throw these relics of the past into the dumpster of outdated novelties.

     In today's world of mass media information, we are greeted almost on a daily basis of government and politician corruption--not in the pages of major newspapers, but more often we are forced to decide credibility of  words splashed across the front pages of supermarket tabloids such as the National Enquirer.  Many of you will remember the Democrats 'pretty-boy' Presidential hopeful of recent years (DEMOCRAT, John Edwards) being forced from his bid for that office when the Enquirer reported on this not-so-secret love trysts, and love child.  Some of you might even remember when party affiliation made no difference to a reporter, and his watchdog employer.  Gary Hart, another very popular DEMOCRAT challenged reporters to prove his romantic dalliances, only to find his, again...not so secret rendezvous splattered across front pages of national publications.  That was in 1984.

     Fast forward to 2016 and we see the likes of a Hillary Rodham Clinton.  The 'mainstream media' standing alone has enough 'dirt' on this woman to, at the very least,  send  her back to sharing kitchen duty with the 'doll-of-the-day' servicing her husband in Chappaqua, but at best, and more than likely,  locked away sharing a cell, and probably the upper bunk with swindler Bernie Madoff.

     When the watchdog defenders of truth allow Hillary Clinton to make an unchallenged statement declaring she has "been more transparent than anybody...in public life," you can be assured that the media moguls are just as dirty, if not more, than the politicians they apparently now serve.  

Hillary....the investment wizard

      Hillary Rodham Clinton, 'Investment extraordinaire,'  made almost $100,000 in the 1970s trading commodities after an initial investment of $1,000, a return of almost 10,000 percent in nine months. Clinton even asked the public to believe it was she who was responsible for the stock transactions, despite reportedly having no previous experience. 

      Somehow, probably between baking cookies for Bill and his Bimbos, and working crossword puzzles, Hillary discovered her inner untapped investment genius, but failed to realize she'd probably have to report any profits to the IRS.

      The profitable trades had remained hidden because the Clintons refused requests to release the relevant tax returns during the 1992 presidential campaign.* 

Mrs. Clinton even threw her own mother-in-law under
 the manure spreader

     Pulitzer prize-winning writer Lucinda Franks says that, in a 1999 interview, Mrs Clinton told her that Bill became a sex addict because his ‘doozy’ mother abused him ‘in ways you wouldn’t believe’.

     On January 6, 1994, Bill’s beloved mother, Virginia, died of cancer at her home in Hot Springs. A few hours after learning she had passed, Bill and Hillary happened to hear the news flash on the Today show: “The president’s mother died early this morning after a long battle with cancer.” Right after the report, Newt Gingrich and Senator Bob Dole appeared for a previously scheduled television interview. There were no condolences that morning. Instead, the two Republicans turned to Whitewater. “It, to me, cries out for the appointment of a regulator y, independent counsel,” Dole said.

     Amazingly, and in between turning her son into "a sex addict," Hillary displayed compassion for her deceased "doozy" of a mother-in-law, and verbally lashed out at the couple's 'political enemies.'

     Hillary noticed that Dole’s remarks devastated Bill. “Bill was raised by his mother to believe that you don’t hit people when they’re down, that you treat even your adversaries in life or politics with decency,” Hillary recalled.**

 "Bill became a sex addict because his ‘doozy’ mother abused him ‘in ways you wouldn’t believe.'"  --Hillary Clinton


 ~~   Hillary Clinton used the words, "I CAN'T RECALL" IN ANSWER TO 50 QUESTIONS ~~

The comical nature of Hillary's testimony was featured in a parody on 
Rush Limbaugh Radio Program 

You Tube:  Steven Bravo


** http://metro.co.uk/2014/07/24/hillary-clinton-bills-mum-abused-him-in-a-way-that-led-to-sex-addiction-4809669/

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