And, while we are taking a stroll down memory lane with 'Mister Law and Order'....who could forget this outrageous display of jack-boot terror, concocted by, who else...(then) Deputy Attorney General ERIC HOLDER.
Yes indeed, who could possibly forget, (other than snot-nosed spoiled brat children now trying to control America's halls of 'higher education') Eric Holder, the champion of 2014 children's rights, as our Southern borders were invaded by a swarm of outlaw, barely out of diaper toddlers wearing ink tats, 'kids.'
That same Eric, the emancipator "who concocted the 'legal' cover for the INS to mace, kick, stomp, and gun-butt their way into the home of Elian Gonzalez's legal custodians (legal US citizens and residents, all) on the morning of April 22, 2000, wrench a bawling 6-year-old child from his family at machine-gun point and bundle him off to Castro's terror-sponsoring fiefdom, leaving 102 people (did we mention, 'legal US citizens and residents, all) injured, some seriously.*
And last, but as they say...certainly not least.
The 2012 (Presidential re-election of his boss Barack Obama) year, and the brutal murder of four American heroes, including an American Ambassador, at the hands of fanatical Islamic militants in Benghazi, Libya.
The blatant corruption and crime surrounding this travesty was obvious to anyone possessing an ounce of human decency, but apparently not so for the keeper of Constitutional Law, Eric Holder. When asked if he would call for the appointment of a Special Counsel to look into the deaths of these four brave Americans, the usual chatty, I can get before the camera before anyone else, Eric Holder, had a one word 'PARTY, NOT COUNTRY' response.
youtube theunitedwest
Under a Donald Trump Presidency, 'the Barack Obamas, and the Eric Holders' of the underworld sometimes crawl out from their rat holes. Fortunately, just long enough for us to remember the unsightly blemish they left as an ever lasting scar on the history of The United States of America.
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