Oh sure, there will always be the hard line kook base connected with either political party, but the Democrats, and their unhinged cult members, lately anyway, have fallen into a special mental needs category. Put quite simply...they're NUTS!
Most recent episode included the expulsion of President Trump's press secretary from a Virginia eating place. The likes of which we have not witnessed since the days when a Democrat political stooge (Georgia Governor Lester Maddox) ran off a local black man at gun point from his eatery, accompanied by a faithful axe-wielding son by his side.
Just for the record, here's the real photo of this actual event, one you more than likely will not see featured at the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN or MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, ETC, ETC, ETC.

For those choosing to remain loyal to your grandfather's Democrat political party, maybe a beginner's course might be in order to introduce many of you innocents, for the first time, to perhaps one of the biggest, and most shameful cover-ups by the media, and re-writer's of America's history books.
See, http://freebornobiterdictum.blogspot.com/2018/04/liberals-may-have-succeeded-in-brain.html for a short list of reprehensible events, and other fun-filled facts about the unreported bigoted Democrat Cult days of the fabulous fifties and sixties.
A beginner's course for many of you. A refresher course for others. But ultimately, what should be a wake up call to everyone, and a reminder why these now, unmasked bigots should never be allowed to be in a position to influence the thinking of our children about the true history of this country.
As previously stated at this website, "We are at the doorway to the future, but this cult, inaccurately dubbed as a party of the 'working man,' is always prepared to return us to the very worst segments of our beginnings.
Don't allow this to happen.....Never ever again, should anyone resembling someone/something even close to being associated with the Democrat Party be allowed anywhere near a position giving them access to changing, manipulating or corrupting the foundation of this great land, the United States of America."
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