Tuesday, July 21, 2015

America can now officially be likened to a 'sick little girl on life support.'

    If there is any doubt, America has been lowered to the deepest depths of a worldwide sewer system under the Administration of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, the doubter dumb-ass who believes this fairy tale nightmare,  should be barred from citizenship in the United States.

Stay calm folks, everything is under control.

     When the President of the United States is shamed into lowering the American flag waving over the White House, following the vicious slaughter of five American military personnel ON American soil, there is something very deeply wrong, not only with this Peter Pan embedded at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but mostly the moronic individuals who are supposed to be navigating this craft.

     A few weeks ago, arrogant over-paid lawyers in fancy black robes, acting completely against majority opinion in this country (and many say, the Constitution) ruled that marriage between two people of the same gender is now the law of this land.  No sooner had the ink dried on their payoff checks, and the magical rainbow light switch was activated, enveloping OUR PEOPLE'S HOUSE (The Former White House) in a flood of dazzling, and scintillating colors.

     Last week five American Military members in Tennessee were murdered in cold blood, carried out by an obviously crazed terrorist.  Around the nation, and even at the United States Capitol building, the flag was lowered to half-mast to honor those gunned down American patriots.  Nearly FOUR full days have evaporated into history, but it was not until today, Tuesday, July 21, 2015, that this so-called commander in chief (most people say, 'reluctantly') ordered the flag lowered.

     This honorable action makes everything 'swell' in Washington circles.  The political hacks can now, without guilt,  face one another and agree, 'they are such wonderful and good people'--working feverishly for the little people.

        LIFE SUPPORT.....


.....and the 

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