Wednesday, June 17, 2020

This is a Classic Example of Fake News....

...but in all fairness, the misinformation surprisingly is
NOT coming from any of the usual mainstream media
FAKE NEWS networks. NO.

It's beginning to resemble a tag-team wrestling match for Average Americans trying to sort out what is, and is not true, accurate and factual news reporting. One day, exaggerated news reports can be seen and heard blaring from network and cable news comrades, only to be outdone the following day by their partners holding claim to biased internet social media platforms. (i.e Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)

LIE OF THE DAY had enough negative impact before finally being pulled by the Social Media Platform
TWITTER, and fortunately for their comrades on the left,
probably propelling sufficient collateral damage to a somewhat friendly 'Trump' State, and as a bonus, smearing one of the few decent Governors currently serving our tattered nation, Ron DeSantis. 

The rapidly trending Twitter feed went something like this...
"260 workers test positive for COVID-19 at
 Orlando International Airport"

Orlando International Airport officials quickly responded to this most damaging, and perhaps deliberate, rumor apparently aimed at further damaging an already bloodied area, which claims to be the theme park capital of the World.

This is a facsimile of the official response, followed by a more legible copy for conclusive reader clarity. 


Orlando International Airport is ranked
On a List of the busiest U.S. airports by total passenger boarding  (2018), and
In the State of Florida.

So, hats off to Twitter, for once again proving, what most of us already know.

Your loyalty to the Democrat party does not go unnoticed, comrades.

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