Wednesday, October 28, 2020

This Is Why President Trump Must Win Re-Election. Clearing out the 'Swamp Creatures.'

If you don't believe Washington, D-C is filled with Swamp Creatures, meet Diane Feinstein.

Perhaps the biggest 'Swamp Creature' of them all, but who ever hears about this, 87 Year Old Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein from California?

Even when it was revealed a few years ago that Feinstein "had a Chinese spy as her driver and office director for 20 years," the startling expose simply faded into oblivion.*  These same arrogant cretins impeached President Donald Trump for far lesser alleged infractions, and even those were fabricated charges, allegedly bought and paid for by some of the same people acting as judge and jury against this President.

So, someone, anyone...please tell us why this crooked old relic is still wielding her influence, and acting as one of the lead power brokers in our Nation's Capitol. 


      Despite San Francisco drowning in debt, and facing a $1.7 billion deficit, Diane Feinstein, whose estimated net worth is somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 Million Dollars, still claims her $55,000 a year pension from her 'public servant' days, as Mayor of the Bay City.  (Many of The Senator's constituents, her 'Chumps and Deplorables," certainly would consider Feinstein's apparent insatiable thirst for continued riches, at the expense of a debt-ridden city, nothing less than blatant GREED).

     As Alison Hartson observed in a 2018 article at, "Senator Feinstein needs that money like a fish needs a bicycle."

     "She has a legal right to take it, but she also has a moral obligation to donate or refuse it.  Because Feinstein was Mayor of San Francisco from 1978-1988, the law says the pension is available to her, but is it necessary for her to ensure a financially stable retirerment? NO.

     Hartson reminds her readers, that even Donald Trump has donated his presidential salary of $400,000 per year to multiple federal agencies and departments.  With this choice, Trump finds himself in the company of presidents like John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover.

     The writer concludes with these sobering facts. "Far too many San Franciscans, Californians and Americans have seen their public-funded pension decrease or disappear, and they don’t have millions to fall back on. Feinstein doesn’t need more than $55,000 in free cash from San Francisco taxpayers to survive or even to thrive. Taking a pension while being part of the 1% is so blatantly immoral that even President Trump found a way to make the correct choice." **
 Diane Feinstein--87 Year Old, Mega-Millionaire, D-C Swamp Creature.
What The Hell Is She Still Doing In Washington?

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