Sunday, November 22, 2020

Did Nervous Nancy Know? And When Did She Know It?

     When Nancy Pelosi, without hesitation, declared that President Donald Trump won't win the 2020 election "one way or another," was she simply bloviating, being her usual erratic and wacky self, or because of her really, really important position, did she have inside information, prompting her to make such an irrefutable prediction?
     Making such a conclusive statement, "(Donald Trump) won't win the 2020 election ONE WAY OR ANOTHER," leaves the door wide open for interpretation. What did you mean by, "one way or another?"  Using any method possible? (This is beginning to sound scary). 

     So tell us Nancy, what methods did you, and your conspiring Democrat cohorts have in mind? Surely you didn't want any harm inflicted on the President, but you sounded so very confident.  There you were, announcing before a national television audience, that "Trump won't win the 2020 election "ONE WAY OR ANOTHER?"

     After nearly four years of countless investigations, falling short of cutting 'the Donald' off at his knees, including the ultimate, Impeachment. Wrecking a sterling economy by locking down the entire population of the United States, using an embellished 'flu' as motivation, what could you possible have left in your worthless bag of tricks?

     Ah, yes! TRICKS. Deception.  Elephant in the room, but in this case...Jackass--and lots of them.  All this time we are focusing on the "one way or another" part of your very ominous comment, when it was right there in front of us all the time.  "TRUMP WON'T WIN THE 2020 ELECTION."  Honestly, Nancy, you ARE many things, and possessor of many talents, but with certainty we can most likely  state conclusively...YOU ARE NO PROPHET. You're not a clairvoyant, not a soothsayer, no..not even a Sibyl or the one and only, Nostradamus.  You CAN NOT FORESEE THE FUTURE, so therefore Mrs. Pelosi, how could you possibly look into the future and say so very conclusively that "TRUMP WON'T WIN THE 2020 ELECTION."

     You know what we think, Nancy?  We think you really DID KNOW well in advance that President Trump would not win reelection, because you were privy to the entire operation designed to manipulate election ballot rigging.  Of course, this is simply a wild guess, but...well, we'll just have to wait and see.  Right, Nance?

     So, just for the record, Nancy.   
What did you know, 
and when did you know it?

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