Friday, November 29, 2019

Democrats have no one to blame but themselves; Flipping Hillary The Bird in 2008 destroyed its lock on the Presidency for perhaps, decades.

     The mainstream media has officially identified most information provided in this report as 'Conspiracy Theory.'  And as we are all quite aware, these people demand accuracy in reporting.

     These are the same people who over this past Thanksgiving holiday trumpeted reports criticizing President Trump for traveling to his 'new' official home in Palm Beach, Florida.' They chided Mister Trump, joking about his entourage heading off to yet another round of golf, when in fact, as these mockingbird magpies were making fools of themselves, the Commander-in-Chief's Air Force One was touching down in Afghanistan to pay honor to our military troops assigned to that war zone.  
     In light of their latest display of 'FAKE NEWS,' shouldn't most mainstream media gibberish, now be described as "fringe group conversation." 

Portions of the following article were   
originally published at this website on Friday, December 29, 2017 ** 
"2043 AD -- Closely guarded sealed envelope, opened to reveal Real-life Rags to Riches story"

In 25 years, 
Hillary will finally learn the truth about,
Perhaps you've heard this tale before, but as the saying goes,
it is worth repeating.

     Hilarity ensues when two insanely wealthy, but morally bankrupt 'Bilderberg Brothers' make a one-dollar bet over heredity vs. environment. Curious as to what might happen if different lifestyles were reversed, they arrange for impoverished street hustler Billy Ray Valentine (Barry Soetoro) to be placed in the lap of luxury and trained for the cushy position as President of the United States.

     Simultaneously, they set about to reduce a pseudo-aristocratic psychopath, Louise Winthorpe III (Hillary Rodham) to poverty and disgrace, hiring a pimp (John Protesta) to hasten her downfall. 

     When Billy Ray figures out that the 'Bilderberg Brothers' intend to dump him back on the streets once their experiment is complete, he seeks out Winthorpe, and together the pauper-turned-prince and the wannabe-princess-turned-pauper plot an uproarious revenge. With the good-hearted pimp and Winthorpe's faithful personal servant (Humana Arberdean) as their accomplices, they set about to hit the brothers where it really hurts: in the pocketbook. *

      And with the exception of a few characters in our future fairy tale, everyone gets the last laugh on those evil Bilderberg Brothers.

And this is the true story of how the 
United States of America
was saddled under eight years of oppression
with a rumored  'bathhouse' guttersnipe
 allegedly in charge.
So, Hillary...the real reason you have been relegated to history's dustbin of obscurity is not because of my fellow deplorables.  Your real beef if with these guys,

~~They got what they wanted~~
$$$Billions in Profits$$$
 Hospitals, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies have scored big time since the so-called Affordable Care Act Scam was shoved down the throats of gullible Americans. Meanwhile the American consumer’s wallet is drained paying for medical insurance plans, which not only  are  far from being affordable, but somewhat impotent when necessary to meet their family's needs, when needed most.

And let us not forget, the other big losers as a result of Bilderberg meddling, Democrats have lost the White House (hopefully for a long, long time, and OH Yeah...
Hillary Rodham Clinton is still NOT President,
and thank God, never will be. 

* Based on Hal Erickson, Rovi synopsis of film Trading Places
** Additions and edits incorporated into original version.

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