Monday, December 2, 2019

Interchangeable tools, paid for by naive fools. Allowing slothful parasitic politicians to spit in their faces, saying; "You Didn't Build That."

     As discussed in an earlier report at this website, a through investigation of Washington's most vile political vermin has long past its expiration date.  

     We already know, the '4th Branch of Government' (The press/media) is no longer a trustworthy ally to play the role of sentinel for fellow American's best interest.  Quite the contrary; The pimps have now crawled in bed, and are diddling with their own prostitutes.
     It is now up to us, the American people to provide necessary funding funneled into a general pipeline for the expressed purpose of hiring the BEST legal minds. (Because the United States Justice Department CANNOT be trusted).

     Hiring the BEST private investigators (Because our Federal Bureau of Investigation CANNOT be trusted), to begin digging dirt on these dirt digging shysters, beginning at the very top...with the top two hustlers...The senior Senator from New York, Charles Schumer, who also serves as the Democrat syndicates Senate Minority Leader.  And US Congresswoman from California, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. 

 Perhaps an even larger question must be answered, why Is Multi-Millionaire Barack Obama and his spouse, Michelle Getting Millions In Taxpayer Subsidies? Their nine-bedroom mansion in Washington, D.C., cost $8.1 million dollars. Martha's Vineyard Seaside estate, another $15 million dollars. But didn't Barack Obama spent his entire political career bitching about the rich?

     Sticking his bony fingers in the ribs of taxpayers, lecturing them about belt tightening, while at the same time living lavishly off the backs of those who could least afford additional burdens to their already poverty ravaged lifestyle.

     The TRILLION dollar Mega-Monster Health fraud had been in the works for at least 50 years--a sweetheart love child resulting from lustful passion between a scheming Democrat political predator, and the whore they never could resist, 'Hot Mama Pharma.' The only connection between the mislabeled 'AFFORDABLE Care Act,' and Barack Hussein Obama, is the scribbled signature he affixed to that final piece of corrupt legislation.  

     The only reason, in our opinion, Barack Obama was plucked from nowhere to become President of the United States, is because his squatting in the oval office would complete the so-called perfect storm, finally giving a Democrat controlled legislature unblocked power to make the Health Scam, law of the land.  Can you imagine the millions of dollars secretly deposited into the off shore accounts of greedy Democrats responsible for draining, what most assuredly will be $Trillion$ from the pockets of American citizens unable to fight back against what is now 'the law.'   

     Meanwhile, in total, the cost of the Obama first family’s personal or largely personal travel during their eight year excursion on the taxpayer's gravy train amounted to $85 million – though that figure was expected to climb to $90 million after additional totals were finally tallied and released, according to the conservative group Judicial Watch based on federal government records.*

      All this flaunting of unearned riches, while at the same time, 'critters against cretins' keep screaming that "plush pension benefits for wealthy federal lawmakers need to go." **

      As House speakers Nancy Pelosi earns an annual salary of $223,500. According to readily available financial reports, she and her husband Paul in 2014, reported between $43.4 million and $202 million in assets.

     "Pelosi and her husband, Paul, own a house and vineyard in California that’s worth at least $5 million and that brought in between $15,000 and $50,000 in grape sales in 2017. She owns a commercial property and a four-story building in San Francisco that each earned her at least $100,000. She also has stock in Apple, Facebook and Disney.***
     Meanwhile, Nancy insults naive Americans by timidly admitting she is simple a dunderhead when it comes to monetary issues, and it is her partner Paul who  is the numbers wizard of this duo. This financial Einstein makes most of his cash from Financial Leasing Services, Inc., an investment company. (Also, probably doesn't hurt to have a bit of inside information resulting from brilliant land deals stemming from favorable legislation coincidentally pushed through by a flimflam partner...who just happens to be the most powerful person in that totally corrupted government whorehouse, commonly known as The United States Congress).

     And as a departing insulting spit in the faces of sucker Americans, this shrew will receive a six-figure pension."* "On average, former members of Congress receives about $41,000 per year in pension benefits after having served about 16 years. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat who has been in Congress 32 years making her eligible for this ridiculous taxpayer funded pension.  Wonder if anyone ever checked to see if this greedy low-life crook is collecting a monthly Social Security check.  

     Perhaps our favorite bottom feeding DC chiseler is New York's Senior Senator, Charles 'Chuckie' Schumer.  Mr. Schumer apparently has never done ANYTHING other than be a politician. He went to Harvard and then straight into the New York State Assembly, then into the U.S. Congress. No garment district or Bakery, specializing in Jewish Rye for this guy.  No sir, Chuckie has been on the public dole for his entire adult life. The Federal government IS a criminal syndicate because of shrewd orchestrating, by the likes of this, and too many other, CAREER POLITICIANS. 

      "When surrounded by his most-admiring subjects, consisting mostly of fake news media groupies, Schumer does not mince words when directing one of his government attack dog agencies (IRS) on citizen organizations like the Tea Party--Americans opposed to that same government trampling over their rights, and a Constitution written for the expressed purpose of protecting them against wannabe gangster tyrants, ever-germinating in that cesspool known as Washington, D.C.  Chucks idea of fair play is to pull out the big guns at the IRS to investigate (read that punish) the Tea Party movement for having the audacity to question 'authority.' This politician and the people in his audience, hinging on every word spoken during his sanctimonious sermon, have no tolerance for anyone who thinks differently than they do."****

     Why do you suppose parasites such as Schumer resorts to dipping into the 'class and racial' reservoir every time HIS job, and the party he represents, appears in danger of LOSING POWER AND CONTROL--because, as we all know, this is what the entire Washington charade is all about.  When 'black' voters appear to be wandering too far away from the Democrat's established plantation perimeters, they call in their 'kept' partners, represented by the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus.  How incomprehensible is this scenario--they get a "clean African American" (words of Joe Biden) elected to the most powerful position in the United States of America, but are still able to convince a majority of the nation's black population, rampant discrimination still exists against their advancement.
     And how is this accomplished? Primarily by using media stooges, led by MSNBC (staffed by a platoon of unlikely characters; even Hollywood writers might have difficulty in gathering together for a modern day 'Dirty Dozen.')  Only at MSNBC can a tax cheating charlatan, such as the unrefined and ignorant Al Sharpton rub shoulders with a snobbish mix of apparent affirmative action products, names not worth your time expended to remember. 

     Finally, we have a President of the United States who wants to bring all this obscene corruption to an end, and we still have hoodwinked simpletons...sheeple, if you will, constantly being lead over a cliff, by the same people elected, sworn with their hand on a holy book of their choice, to protect and preserve the rights of all American citizens. And the man trying his best to save them, many would rather crucify him, for no other reason, than to maybe receive a piece of fools gold from their political idols. Sound familiar?

     Meanwhile, their political idols swim in a sea of riches, a vast ocean fed by mostly unknown and untraceable tributaries.  The rewards for treachery are limitless, especially when these redirected, laundered funds are literally drained from our already emptied treasury.

     Yes, America...Let us not forget all those kickbacks (which certainly don't exist) these grifters, many suspect, get from grateful 'Foreign Aid Nation' recipients. For many of these lawless lawmakers, probably the prime source of their 'personal wealth.'

      So, go ahead, fellow citizens.  Lend your support to those who will crucify Donald Trump. It is obvious these crooks have been robbing us blind, maybe from the very beginning of this Republic, but we try to sugar coat the undeniable truth, like the concerned mother pleading with her oblivious husband to see what is plainly visible, "This is the fifth time our daughter has been arrested for shoplifting. Don't you think we ought to seek some kind of help for her?" To which the naive and trusting father responds,  "Our girl would never shoplift. I'm sure all those arrests were just some kind of mistake." *a

There's none so blind as those who will not see






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