Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Upon Donald Trump's acquittal, or dismissal of charges in the Senate, will these traitorous Congressional 'co-conspirators' face legal consequences?

US House of Representative's Judiciary Committee Democrats who voted to advance articles of impeachment against Republican President Donald Trump.

 "The unhinged FACE of the Democrat Party."
“There will come a time they will not be safe walking down the street. *
We will not be held hostage” -- Anonymous

Parroting the wisdom and teachings of a Democrat 'Party Elder,' 81 year old Maxine Waters (Not pictured above)...

 “If you see anybody from that Cabinet  (any Congressional Judiciary Committee's Democrat members) in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out, and you create a crowd, and you push back on them,” -- June 24, 2018

Paraphrasing a popular Proverb,
What is good for one type is equally good for another type, 
despite any irrelevant differences between the types**

Probably more familiar when worded,
"What's good for the goose, is good for the gander."
     They may not have participated in the initial planning of this coup to remove Donald Trump, but they are no less guilty than those who met in the dark shadows, preparing the groundwork for a treasonous plot to Impeach the President of the United States.

     These cowards, who should never be referred to as Americans in any historical documents, had more information available to them than ANY U-S citizen, but they chose to follow their party leader's orders to ignore 'truthful facts,' and betray not only this man, but maybe even more importantly, the American people who entrusted them to represent their Constitutional inheritances in the heart of our Nation, Washington, DC. 

     Not one of them should avoid prosecution, and punishment to fullest extent of our laws for this most serious crime against their fellow citizens.

     You or I, common United States citizens would never be excused for far lesser crimes, and if we are to remain a nation of laws--not one set of laws for a vast majority of 330 million everyday law abiding folks, and another for a select class of elites and their stooges--these renegades must be tried and sentenced for these contemptible actions, or protectors of this Nation's Constitution should act in accordance with rules bestowed upon us by the founders of our Republic.

     If the people fail to stand up and regain control, the American experiment will be a proven failure, and we will deserve the life of servitude awaiting us. 
* Disclaimer. Quoted examples from various sources.  No encouragement of physical harm intended or suggested.

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