Saturday, December 28, 2019

Radio Personality Don Imus died Friday at age 79. You know who else is 79? Nancy Pelosi...Sayin'

     Nancy Pelosi is currently Speaker of the U-S House of Representatives and few would disagree, considered to be perhaps one of the most powerful voices in Washington, and certainly the  unofficial leader of the Democrat Party.

     So, bless your heart, Nancy.  Remember some months ago, when you and your tribe were launching spears from all directions at President Donald Trump.  You, in particular, and some of your more incoherent sisters united in the cause of 'all things...Orange Man, Bad.'  Sister "Peach-foty-fi," and of course the newcomer to your crowd from Michigan. A trailblazer, so honored to be elected to represent her constituents in the United States Congress, that upon hearing news of her victory, wrapped herself in the Palestinian Flag, and perhaps only moments later, promised her faithful followers, and by extension--the entire World--of her most important mission,  to remove the President of the United States, or more eloquently resonated by Rashida Tlaib "(Trump--We're going to impeach the mother-fucker)."

     And you, Nancy, acting as a cheerleader for your media pals, echoing sidewalk chants delivered so eloquently by your counterpart in the United States Senate, the elder statesman, Senator from New York, Charles 'Chucky' Schumer..."Dump Trump, Dump Trump, Dump Trump,"  This was only the beginning of what was to become a three year freak show.  What followed  were Charges of boys-room-dirty-talk, and feeling up a street-walker, or guys had it all.  From absurd accusations...maybe even screwing a cat in a darkened Manhattan alleyway (okay, I made that one up), to having consensual sex with some 'ladies of the night.'

     And when all the stink didn't stick, you and your unhinged lunatics in the House of Representatives, corralled so-called experts...Psychologists and Psychiatrist, laying out their professional opinions, claiming Donald Trump is insane...insecure...incapable of holding this lofty position, and even using the ultimate indictment...a danger to the very existence of the United States of America.  These pissed-off, pandering partisans went so far as demanding Trump be examined by a team of experts, hoping their unbiased prognosis would finally lead to townsfolk's descending on the Capitol--torches and pitchforks in hand--demanding this court-jester be tared and feathered, dunked in a village well, and as a final insult, dying his hair some silly color before stoning him to death.  Well, maybe not death, but perhaps nicking the bastard and calling him poopie names!

     You know who is really nuts, Nancy?  You.  You and the depraved low IQ lunatics, and colleagues barely able to lift themselves off all four and perform an occasional, Al Green or Maxine Waters, jive-shit-talk against a man who's pets obviously possess superior critical thought, compared to the likes of these two racial quota dregs.  Wannabe eccentric hateful trash, whose most admirable qualities on any given day would be inclusion into that elite DC club of derelicts, drug addicts, alcoholics and murderers...well, maybe that last characterization might be a bit extreme, but any worthwhile shoulder-rubbing, wine and croissant social gathering would be an embarrassment without attendance by any sole individual, or multiples of families like the Kennedys, Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, and Pelosis.

     Before wrapping up this, almost interesting conversation, let's talk a bit about you.  Yes, Nancy...YOU.  Your 32 year presence in Washington, some might agree, came about quite by accident.  Some might even suggest, Nan just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Short version.  Incumbent Congresswoman became ill with cancer and decided not to run for reelection in 1988. She picked 'groupie' friend, Pelosi as her designated successor...and, well...there you have it.

     I recently read, somewhere...that only one out of twenty humans is capable of critical thought.  You, Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosi, after having been reelected 16 times with no substantive opposition, in a city where people are crapping in the streets, and now, even in the aisles of a local Safeway just blocks from your San Francisco home...YOU are without question, the best example of, "It is not what you know, but who you Know."  

     Most sane people in this Country believe you are burned out, and at 79 still fantasizing you might con your way into becoming a default President of the United States by spearheading a coup to topple Donald Trump.  Many of those same people loathe your very presence in our halls of Congress, looking upon you as a garden variety up-scaled ghetto con artist scammer. That cable car departed Lombard Street a long time ago, and if you were half as intelligent as you believe yourself to be, you would have retired 20 years ago, living off  your ill-gotten wealth.  There's still time to reconsider.

     Oh, by the way....Did you hear the sad news today?  Don Imus died.  He was 79.

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