Thursday, July 2, 2020

Face Masks = OBEDIENCE."We Do Not Consent" = "Obey or You Will Not Eat."

     This article is a reprint, authored by physician-lawyer, D.Parker.  Our source for this opinion piece was featured at

  "We Do Not Consent"
by D.Parker

     "It is clear to me as a physician-lawyer that the disinformation about both Covid-19 and the Constitution has caused us to turn a medical issue into a legal crisis.

     The scientific usefulness of a mask has been so aggressively overstated, and the foundational importance of the Constitution has been so aggressively understated, that we have normalized people screaming obscenities at each other while hiking.

     The Covid virus was supposed to be contained in the kind of lab where people wear astronaut suits and go through triple sealed doors. It is a con of massive proportion to assert that now, having escaped those environs, a bandanna will magically do the trick.

After all, size matters

     The pore size of cloth face coverings range from ~ 20-100 microns.   The Covid virus is 200-1000x smaller than that, at 0.1 microns. Putting up a chain link fence will not keep out a mosquito. Even the most esteemed medical journals admit their purpose is to calm anxiety. 

    “Expanded masking protocols’ greatest contribution may be to reduce the transmission of anxiety …”Of course, by knowledge or common sense observation, most Americans already know that masking everyone is superstition. But unlike privately carrying a lucky charm, mandating facial coverings requires the consent of the governed.

     Many cultures mandate clothing that appears totally irrational to outsiders. Never have those cultures pretended that there is a scientific basis for their clothing requirement. Their leaders rule, and their citizens accept, that their choice of clothing is due to religious or cultural preference.

     Not wearing a mask is not mere “personal choice” like deciding between a head covering or a t-shirt. It is a flashpoint for being a free human being who has consented to be governed but has not consented to be ruled. We do not consent to a masked America, because that is a fundamental change in American society, culture, norms, and rights.

     People who are apathetic toward their own liberty cannot eliminate Constitutional rights for those who are not. This is not the first (or last) time that people who believe in superstition are screaming the loudest. The Constitution exists precisely to protect all people during times of mass hysteria.

     The mask has become the most visible symbol of #socialconditioning to Americans determined to preserve individual freedom. 

     Thus far most Americans have continued to give their consent to be governed. 

     But, you are trying our patience."

(Conclusion of featured Article)

     Unless you have been asleep, or simply not paying attention, there has once again been a resurgence and obvious lustful passion for face-mask-wearing, demanded by "public servants," attempting to satisfy their insatiable appetite for power over a unsuspecting American citizenry.

     One of the biggest obstacles standing in the way of an informed American public is a compromised supplier of information, otherwise known as 'the mainstream media.'  They speak, and a wide-eyed population of suckers are crawling over one another to fall in line, acting out some perverted ritual to obey, or face unknown consequences.

     Quoting Harry Vox, of"The mainstream media manipulates gullible people into worshiping criminals and incompetents - Fauci is the criminal and Tedros from the World Health Organization is an incompetent tool of his deep state masters."

     Mandated 'rules,' ordering citizens to wear a face mask, is exactly what the word implies...a rule.  It is not a 'law.'  And in today's world of anarchy and 'breaking other people's stuff,' it would seem that the old saying, "Laws are made to be broken," apparently carries more weight, than wimpy rules strewn about, by wannabe little zealots at all levels of governing in this country, today.

     Keep in mind these words; "Following FAIR RULES is not obedience. Following fair rules is a form of mutual respect. Following unfair rules is servitude.**      


* Our thanks to

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