Tuesday, July 7, 2020

"The PLAN-demic" and its good friend, Agenda 21. Coincidences?

There are NO Coincidences.

     Americans, for the most part, are a very forgiving people.  However, considering the Hell they have been forced to endure for the past four months, set in motion years ago by a nefarious cabal of billionaire misfits, and their pandering pals in the media,  no punishable consequence is too inhumane or severe for "these loathsome conspirators."

     They gather together in their not-so-secret haunts, operating under a guise of a mutual quest for the advancement of humankind and (faux) philanthropic responsibility toward those, not so fortunate to share in their wealth and, in most cases, ill-gotten riches. 
(Source Unknown)


~~If you have not already put two and two together~~

     Better known as "Agenda 21," the plan for mobilizing a timetable was all about having their scheme in place  commencing in the year 2021.  With the inevitable election of Hillary Clinton in 2016, and a continuation of puppet-Obama's stage setting preparations, what could go wrong?  All systems..."A-okay," a thumbs up, the green light.
One Slight Problem.

      Following the Assassination Murder of John F. Kennedy in 1963, government spying 007 wannabes, hoping to discredit citizen investigators getting too close to what actually transpired on that tragic day in Dallas, and WHO,  in truth,  committed the dastardly deed, introduced a naive, and mostly gullible citizenry to the term "Conspiracy theorist."  Those drawing conclusions, not based in fact and evidence, but irresponsibly reacting to a series of explainable 'coincidences.'  Coincidences?  As someone once wisely remarked, “Coincidences mean you're on the right path.”

     And, for those among us who are simply looking for the truth in ALL matters, including a "Worldwide Pandemic," which sorta just popped up out of nowhere when a few guys decided to pig out on some tasty bats in a Chinese open market /s, you might be wise giving attention to information circulating among those who really are interested in arriving at the truth.

     One final bit of advice.  If you are searching for "the truth" in today's world of misinformation, the last place you should be looking, is to those who control everything you have been conditioned to read, see and hear. (6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America). Carefully manicured and distorted nonsense, spoon-fed to you by the very echo-chambers OWNED and OPERATED by those who should be investigated and thoroughly scrutinized.   

     None other than the proud parents of a soon to be delivered, disfigured newborn, going by the name of, Agenda 21.

A parting thought.

Most criminals slip up and make stupid mistakes.

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