Thursday, July 23, 2020

Perhaps President Trump has 'suspicions' about a few of his predecesors?

CNN and a few other Lefty Media outlets have their
panties in a bunch, searching desperately for answers
to this most recent puzzling move by President Trump's
White House staff.
(We all know his motivation is an ultimate quest to drive them insane)

A few days ago, and apparently without much fanfare, the official White House portraits of two former Presidents, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were unceremoniously plucked from their current placement of prominence in the White House's Grand Foyer, and relocated to the Old Family Dining Room, a seldom-used room that the Trumps reportedly "did not want ... showcased on public tours," according to a media source.
These apparently are the two Portraits moved to a new 'home.'

 These portraits of Clinton and Bush have been replaced by those of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.  No official reason was released to the public, explaining why the move was made.

Meanwhile, last month over at the US Capitol building, Speaker of the House of Representative, Nancy Pelosi, during her crusade to make all 'things racially right' in the midst of the George Floyd 'Kirby' debacle, ordered portraits of a few former Confederate counterparts removed from the Capitol, and perhaps banished to the basement somewhere among dusty old Christmas decorations.

Pandering to a constituency, which around this same time was in the process of 'burning other people's stuff, breaking their treasures, killing and maiming innocent passers-by,' Mrs. Pelosi sucked up to her apathetic audience...“As I have said before, the halls of Congress are the very heart of our democracy,” Ms. Pelosi wrote in a letter to Ms. Johnson requesting the removal of the portraits. “There is no room in the hallowed halls of Congress or in any place of honor for memorializing men who embody the violent bigotry and grotesque racism of the Confederacy.”

Almost at the same time, over in the other Capitol Chamber, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker did his best to contribute to the fury taking place outside the castle walls, stating  Individuals who committed treason against the United States of America and led our nation into its most painful and bloody war to preserve the institution of slavery are not patriots and should not be afforded such a rare honor in this sacred space.

Okay, so if we are to believe, the primary reason this nation should no longer recognize these former historical figures, because now--following years of their portraits appearing on public display--Mrs. Pelosi, whose political statements depend on which way the wind is blowing. And Booker, who seems more interested in being a national media star, than representing the people of New Jersey, labels them as Traitors, who's to say the President isn't using similar logic, stuffing 'Beavis and Butt-Head'  into some obscure White House butler's pantry? 

As previously stated, we're not aware of any official word explaining why the Clinton, and 'W' Bush portraits were suddenly moved (and especially, without first notifying CNN), but if President Trump remains true to form, no one should be surprised if the two depictions of the former Presidents featured below 
(formerly the property of murdered
socialite and convicted sex offender, Jeffery Epstein) 
appear sometime soon in the
Grand Foyer of the White House.

Who knows what else 
Mister Trump has up his sleeve?

One thing for certain, President Trump's biggest media critics, after initially lamenting the shuffling of these Presidential portraits, quietly and abruptly ended any further reporting on this affair.  

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