Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Some might conclude that we are bragging, but maybe, just maybe...God reads Obiter Dictum. (Slightly, satirical)

Just the other day we featured photos
of New York City Mayor 'Wilhelm,'
 (We interrupt our story for this important, but partially nonsensical content explanation)
  My brother informed me today, that the average reader is NOT familiar with who "Mayor 'Wilhelm" is.  For those readers who are not aware...It seems that 'Bill de Blasio,' who is currently Mayor of New York City, was born and christened with the very 'German sounding' name of Warren Wilhelm Jr.  "He changed his name to Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm in 1983 and finally to Bill de Blasio in 2001 to honor his maternal family."
Here is where we are throwing a flag on this play, and calling it what it is...Bulls#it.  Warren Wilhelm Jr. has two older brothers.  If any 'honoring' was to be done for "his maternal family,"  this responsibility would have been adopted by either one of his two older brothers.  This explanation is already too long, but in our opinion...the name 'Warren Wilhelm Jr' was, lets just say, too German sounding, (perhaps reminding potential voters of some early day cheezy Hogan's Hero episode where Colonel Klink clicks his heels, snapping to attention in the presence of "General Wilhelm") especially for someone as ambitious as young Warren, whose political aspirations would not stand much of a chance, in the advancement of his visions of any future political career, hauling around the moniker...Warren Wilhelm Jr.  Okay, this has gotten way too long, so...

Just the other day we featured photos
of New York City Mayor 'Wilhelm,'
his transformed (or something) Lesbian spouse, 
and, Mega Bucks-Tax-Cheat Al Sharpton,
hard at work, painting what is now described as a huge
mural on 5th Avenue, in front of Trump Tower.
(Hmmm, "Mural." Is this how they are describing graffiti these days in NYC?)

We predicted THIS might happen.

Do you believe we are taking too much 
credit for this happening two days later???

And...they are calling for his arrest???


You don't Arrest GOD!
But, we almost forgot
This Is Wilhelm's New York City!

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