Sunday, February 9, 2025

George Soros, THE BAGMAN, was outed by this website nearly FIVE years ago


     If you are a regular reader of this blog, it should come as no surprise when hearing about Elon Musk and his brilliant team of young investigators rooting out mismanagement and downright theft of BILLIONS of American hard earned Tax dollars.

     Fact:  Nearly five years ago we speculated that untold amounts of cash was flowing out of our treasury under the guise of "FOREIGN AID."  We went on to discuss where these funds were funneled and who might be the actual "BAGMAN" doling out those millions/billions to all sorts of corrupt institutions and organizations, not only here in the United States by anywhere in the World in need of chaos and turmoil.

     We also speculated that the BAGMAN was none other than Billionaire "crazy," George Soros.  See screen capture from that article. 

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