Monday, January 1, 2018

If you thought an end to 2017 closed the door on media on.

     In an article appearing at,  "A recent White House intern's use of the "OK" hand sign in a photo with President Trump is being interpreted by many as the use of a white power hand sign, after the "OK' symbol was adopted by far-right groups in recent months."

     The now former intern, Jack Breuer who is Jewish, responded by saying the symbol was meant to be the "OK" hand sign.  "In some of our intern pictures, I emulated the OK sign the President sometimes makes. That was foolish. I should have listened more closely to the Commander-in-Chief and given the thumbs up."

     The Hill article points out that "most of the interns who posed for the photo gave Trump's signature thumbs-up sign with their hands. Breuer is seen toward the back of the photo making the letter shapes of 'w' and 'p' or the "OK" sign with his right hand."   

     Breuer emphasized, "I'm proud of my Jewish heritage and strongly reject the hateful views associated with racist white power organizations. I would never make common cause with them." *

     It seems that this symbol has become popular among other individuals and groups as well, which is made quite apparent by the lefties, whities, and including 'the bros' pictured below:  

The originator of this rubbish article was unable to account for the condition of his own palm when questioned about the seriousness of his outrageous accusations against the young male intern.

     As a gesture of goodwill, we are suggesting the following procedures, which should resolve any confusion, obviously plaguing members of mainstream media's fake news scribes.  
      So to my Progressive pals on the Left, the very next time President Trump is foolish enough to conduct a so called news conference with you and your befuddled peers, keep this important bit of information in mind.  Mister Trump obviously is not flashing any sort of White Power sign while addressing you.  The man quite understandably is simply recognizing the majority of your lot, for what you clearly have morphed into;  Oh, and one more thing.....

Settle back, and get a good supply of popcorn...2018 should be a very
entertaining year.

* full article can be found here:

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