This radical abortion bill, if allowed to stand, could keep abortion legal at any point after 24 weeks into the woman's pregnancy, up until birth in cases of “health.” In other words, if she has even the slightest uncertainty about caring for the child, and will suffer traumatic mental anguish, supposedly this would be acceptable justification for ending the life of a child up to, and until it takes it's first breath of life, outside the womb.
This bill "goes far beyond Roe, however, repealing legal protections for children born alive following a botched abortion and removing criminal penalties for violent crimes that cause harm to a woman’s unborn child. The new law further enshrines abortion as a “fundamental right” in state law and may legalize abortion up to birth in cases where the unborn child suffers from a life-threatening illness where “there is an absence of fetal viability.” **
This man, Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, supposedly is a 'practicing' Catholic, whatever that means these days, but appears to have a love-affair with killing unborn children. Question for the Catholic Church hierarchy...can you explain to those faithful members of the flock, why this miserable piece of shite has not been excommunicated from 'OUR' church?
They refer to this murderous conspiracy leveled against mankind as abortion rights for women, dressing it up to appear as an act of respect for Women, "(Men shouldn't be telling a woman what she should or shouldn't be doing with her body)" many apparently unable to own responsibility, or lack of it, when making right, and/or wrong choices on the proper usage of their reproductive parts.
And in 1973, a group of activist female radicals, represented by a group of over zealous lawyers, presented their case before the United States Supreme Court, consisting of nine lawyers of a higher pay of which, through a process of medieval interpretation of our sacred Constitution, made their decision. And as a result, "there have been an estimated 60,069,971 abortions that have destroyed the lives of unborn children." ***
...Than these two young men?
Those 7 MEN pictured above. Those 7 LAWYERS.....decided, it was was was a good was right and just, that the most innocent and helpless among us...tiny human begins, could be killed--murdered--slaughtered like worthless swine. '
BUT, because they wear those stylish, and very official-looking black robes, somehow it gave them, those 7 LAWYERS, the wisdom to decide that people, fellow human beings--unable to speak for themselves--would not be allowed the very rights and freedoms they themselves enjoyed as citizens of these United States of America.
7 LAWYERS.....politicians! Appointed by like-minded politicians--most of them swayed by like-minded political individuals and politically motivated organizations (Planned Parenthood)--one day in 1973, with the stroke of a pen, using their almighty wisdom, decided to play God, and declare, it would be okay for fellow human beings,
The heinous crimes committed by Adam Lanza and Nikolas Cruz will eventually be forgotten by most Americans, and with the exception of their victim's grief-stricken parents, no one will light candles or lower flags to half mast. Pretentious politicians will not brush aside impotent tears--a public display of momentary sorrow.
The daily barbaric destruction of human life will continue, with no end in sight! And with advanced abortion laws being applauded, by ghouls like Cuomo and his fellow cowardly Democrats in the New York State legislature, perhaps Margaret Sanger's dream of weeding out the deplorables and undesirables, so much a part of the human population, will finally become reality.
* (?) 2015 is the most recent year for which the CDC has released statistics. (?) 638,169 abortions were reported to the CDC's in 2015. (Approximately 1,750 abortions performed daily in the United States) Reported by CNN on November 23, 2018, at
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