Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Americans are simply tired of being nudged, pushed, and literally punched in the face by these overrated freaks.

      We are being terrorized by a hodgepodge of out of control renegade zealots and/or individuals teetering on the edge of mentally disabling derangement.

     An unborn future, and anticipated existence of The United States could very well depend on what action, or inaction we take immediately to correct this country's current grotesque crisis, created by out of control fanatics.  Rather than rising up and dealing with this dilemma, we approach it as if it were a thousand-and-one piece puzzle depicting a totally blue sky, strewn across a living room game table. Participants scratching their heads and wondering, "where do we begin?"

     There are times when you may get the feeling we are all so very helpless, never accepting any suggestion that 'We the People," in what has been recognized for a few hundred years as the land of opportunity and freedom, have evolved into a population of slaves.  Free men no longer. In reality, we are allowed to freely exist, in a life of servitude to an elitist class of pseudo aristocrats.  Yes, right here.  In the United States of America.

     While we have been working as their subservient chattel, they have been milking our herd, since the earliest days of this Republic.  Laborers and serfs toiling to barely keep our heads above water, while people like the Clintons, Pelosis, Obamas, Schumers and (insert corrupt family surname here, regardless of political affiliation) grow their absurd wealth. Meanwhile your kids go hungry, doing without essential necessities, and you wondering where the next few dollars will come from to keep a roof over the heads of your struggling family.

     We have allowed these terrible injustices placed at our doorstep to occur, not because we agree with anything connected to this entire disgusting display of power abuse, but because we have allowed ourselves to believe, we can do nothing to right, this wrong. 

     Individually, working as a force of one, we sometimes may exhibit an appearance of weakness, unable to strike back and stop all this madness, because as children we most likely were told never to question authority.  The ultimate mental chastisement; "sit down, shut your mouth and mind your own business." So, we do as we are instructed, because we have been conditioned to never question, but always to obey authority. We allow ourselves to be mentally subdued, because in our youngest years of development, our minds have been cleansed of any thoughts of rising up, and questioning authority.

     I'm reminded of the classic tale about the elephant and the rope.  If you have never heard this short story, perhaps this might be a good time to remind our captors about the danger they are facing if they continue to underestimate what might be in their future if they continue to test our patient, and good nature attitude, at the hands of their perverted torment.

     "Baby elephants, it seems, were traditionally trained by tying one of their front legs to a stake in the ground. Because the elephants are small, only a thin rope is required. They'll struggle and pull at first, but eventually they realize that they can't break the rope and they'll give up. Elephants grow fast, of course. Before long, those cute babies are lumbering giants. But here's the thing: That same thin rope is all that's needed to keep them secured. They think the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.  This enormous, good nature beast, with one simple retraction of its mighty leg could very easily snap this thin piece of rope, and crush his tormentor. 

     After being tormented by Democrat demagogues and their dishonest mainstream media partners since the beginning of President Trump's Administration, it's not a stretch to compare the American people to this baby elephant, now fully matured and having an ability to break those thick chains and take necessary actions against their depraved tormentors.  Remember, all it takes is a nudge to snap those restraining chains, and many Americans are simply tired of being nudged, pushed, and literally punched in the face by these overrated freaks.

     The obvious question troubling so many Americans during this unnecessary crisis in our nation's history, is how could we allow a single politician, namely, Nancy Pelosi, having questionable motivation, so much power and control over our destiny?

WE HAVE A COUNTRY TO SAVE.  We refuse to be restrained any longer by that thin rope deliberately fastened decades, maybe even centuries ago by predecessors of this current incarnation of power hungry extremist nuts presenting themselves as concerned leaders of the flock, while at the same time holding a door open to the slaughter house.

     Before the dust settles, former supporters and allies of these scheming rogues will begin to see how foolish they have been; conned into being bit players to their hero's piggish ambitions. One day, very soon, Nancy Pelosi and the make-believe authoritarians she represents will realize their pillaging and greedy rampage is over. 
Fellow Patriots.  It is time to take back your country...break 'that thin rope,' and leave a legacy of the real freedom our founders intended for their children and generations yet to come.


  1. I have been reading your blog for years and this is your best yet. We MUST break the rope. We have no choice. I will send this far and wide. We

  2. Great article John. It is on the way to my contacts. Dick


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