Monday, August 12, 2024

"More than half a century later, interest in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy remains......"

 .....Meanwhile, and less than ONE MONTH ago, 'they' attempted to blow the head off of our 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

And What Are You Hearing From Our So-Called

 So it would appear that the Old-Time Media

Has thrown the ball into our court fellow 

Internet Sleuths.

A good place to begin is probably by considering WHO would benefit most if Donald J. Trump were to just, lets say...Disappear?  Yeah, yeah..."Disappear."  That's the Ticket.

Would you begin by investigating a possible suspect from the ranks of these people?


Or would you wisely save yourself a lot of time and useless expense, and look to the most logical suspects?

Former Director of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), and 41st President of the United States, George HW Bush.

Fact:  He passionately disliked Donald Trump 

           In his book, "The Last Republicans," Author Mark Updegrove is quoted as saying, “I don't like him,” (Donald J. Trump) George H.W. Bush told Updegrove in May 2016, according to CNN. “I don't know much about him, but I know he's a blowhard. And I'm not too excited about him being a leader.”
     Updegrove told CNN — they (George HW Bush and son George W. Bush) even shunned their party's nominee on Election Day.
    The younger Bush reportedly ticked “None of the above” when it came time to choose a president.
The elder Bush told the author he voted for Trump's rival Hillary Clinton, a Democrat.*

     But, George HW Bush died on November 30, 2018.  And you would be correct when arguing that a dead man cannot commit a crime.  But, if what author  Updegrove reports in his book is accurate, we certainly cannot rule out anyone's involvement in a plot to eliminate their most critical nemesis, Donald J. Trump.

        "If Looks Could Kill"

      "In his eulogy at the former President's funeral memorial, "Bush friend Alan Simpson, the former Wyoming senator, said the 41st president “never hated anyone” and loyalty “coursed through his blood,” including a “loyalty to the institutions of government.” **

      “loyalty to the institutions of government.”  Loyalty TO GOVERNMENT, is the exact opposite of what President Donald J. Trump stands for in his hopes and beliefs for the United States of America.  President Trump believes that power belongs in the hands of 'The People," as outlined in our most sacred document, The United States Constitution.  

     When we allow unelected individuals and unapproved agencies (NGO) by THE PEOPLE, this was the beginning of the end of FREEDOM in this Country.  

     Currently, there is only one person running for the office of President of the United States who stands committed to returning POWER to where it belongs, Each and Every (legal) CITIZEN of The United States of America.

     That Person....That Man, Is DONALD JOHN TRUMP 





***DISCLAIMER:  We are not accusing any group or individual of being connected to this heinous crime.  However, as stated at the beginning of this post, we the people (who make our voices and opinions known via the internet) seem to be delegated with getting to the bottom of WHO, or whatever group, is responsible for the killing of an innocent supporter of Mr. Trump, those seriously injured, and of course the attempted assassination of President Donald J. Trump.

     As we are overcome by the ONE MONTH OBSERVATION of that attempted assassination, we ask, NO...we demand, those with any spine remaining and claiming to represent the American people by posing as REPORTERS in this country's 'Lame-stream Media,' grow a pair, investigate this apparent cover-up, and start doing your job.  Who knows, there might even be a Pulitzer Prize waiting at the finish line for your courage to report the truth.

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