Wait a minute...so, you're trying to tell me, Cory Booker actually has Testosterone.

Something tells me, if Cory Booker truly had the gonads to attempt such a stupid stunt, even if he was given the privilege of trying without consequences, the one-sided encounter mostly likely would look sort of like this...
Cory Booker must get his 'beer-balls at the same watering hole as that other wannabe paper-mâché ruffian, Joe Biden. You might remember a few years ago when Creepy Joe said "he wished he could go back to high school and take Trump behind the gym, suggesting he could beat Trump up." *
Whatever happened to their claim that Democrats are more peace-loving than the Republicans? Guess all that peace-loving crap got thrown out the window when pantywaist Booker declared himself, "Spartacus." In his mind only, of course.
Can't you just imagine Cory going after Trump?Those tiny little girl fists beating on Trumps chest as Cory screams,'Oh,you bad man.'Congresscreature Tblob is more of a man than Cory.