The annual event reportedly raised an estimated 2 billion dollars for this worthy cause, and many of us are left wondering why a similar money grabbing tactic is not applied to raking in big bucks in order to pay down the 17 Trillion Dollar-Plus national debt.
And even though Jerry Lewis is no longer associated with the annual MDA spectacular, perhaps he might be persuaded to make an appearance with another fund raising boy wonder, Barack Obama. Jerry would probably leap at any opportunity to share a stage with Obama...well, maybe not.

Most observers certainly agree, we have wasted Barack Obama's one and only talent over the past six years, and that is his extraordinary ability at fund raising, or as most paupers such as this writer prefers to describe the technique, fleecing the filthy rich. And when it comes to fleecing the rich, no body does it better than Obama.

His Hollywood cronies would be clawing their way to the tote board in order to kick in a few million. Perhaps even Oprah might open her change purse for this worthy national pledge-a-thon.
Besides, once the 17 Trillion Dollar national debt is retired, any spillover change would be the perfect solution for supporting 'Barry's Kids!'

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