Many are living in sub-standard conditions. Their kids, if not being shot in ghetto streets, are subjected to a government sponsored school system, reserved for what can only be described as 'the underclass' of society.
Planned Parenthood sets up shop on nearly every street corner, not to save lives, but according to its founder Margaret Sanger, eradicating "human weeds,' (monitoring) reckless breeders,' (and regulating the) 'spawning (of) human beings who never should have been born." In fact, Hillary Clinton's mentor, Margaret Sanger's purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds." (Black people, need not apply).
Maybe you should hear these facts from a man who has been working among African Americans for years, trying to enlighten them to the perils of continued support for the Democrat Party.
youtube: JacksonforVirginia
And before Black Lives Matter activists begin screaming "Uncle Tom, Uncle Tom," you should know a few important facts about Mister Jackson.
E. W. Jackson was the Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor in the state of Virginia in 2013. According to bio info at Wikipedia, Jackson 'joined the United States Marine Corps in 1970. He was honorably discharged as a corporal in 1973. Following the Marine Corps, he entered the University of Massachusetts Boston, where he majored in philosophy and graduated with honors after only three years. Following his graduation from college, he attended Harvard Law School and earned his law degree.' He practiced law in the Boston area for 15 years.
Barack H. Obama also earned his law degree from Harvard Law School, but he had one slight advantage over E.W. Jackson. Obama aligned himself with the Democrat Party, and by doing so, didn't become champion for the black people in America, but rather a pacifier, keeping the African American community in check for eight years. Ignored and standing on the sidelines until their votes were needed once again to advance an agenda of prospering Democrats rich and powerful elitist buddies, and then tossing token 'bones' to those who gave them them control. "He gave us a phone."
E.W. Jackson, had he received support of the African American community, today could be Lieutenant Governor in the State of Virginia, but the Democrat machine--the rich and powerful attached to Hillary and Bill Clinton, eliminated any chance of Jackson's dream becoming reality. Instead his Democratic rival today shares leadership in Virginia with a Clinton stooge from their days in Washington; Governor Terry McAuliffe.
Terry McAuliffe. If the name sounds familiar, perhaps you heard it mentioned recently, when published reports linked McAuliffe to the Hillary Clinton FBI email investigation. According to the Wall Street Journal, "The political organization of Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton's email use." (our emphasis)
Continued support from the African American community for this despicable crime organization, fronting itself as a political party is insane. INSANITY !!! As defined by Albert Einstein....."doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Our best advice to the African American community...
Do not allow yourself to be conned into, once again,
Drink the Kool Aid *
[A reference to the 1978 cult mass-suicide in Jonestown, Guyana. Jim
Jones, the leader of the group, convinced his followers to move to
Jonestown. Late in the year he then ordered his flock to commit suicide
by drinking grape-flavored Kool-Aid laced with potassium cyanide. In
what is now commonly called "the Jonestown Massacre", 913 of the 1100
Jonestown residents drank the Kool-Aid and died.
One lasting legacy of the Jonestown tragedy is the saying, “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.” This has come to mean, "Don’t trust any group you find to be a little on the kooky side." or "Whatever they tell you, don't believe it too strongly".
The phrase can also be used in the opposite sense to indicate that one has embraced a particular philosophy or perspective].
One lasting legacy of the Jonestown tragedy is the saying, “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.” This has come to mean, "Don’t trust any group you find to be a little on the kooky side." or "Whatever they tell you, don't believe it too strongly".
The phrase can also be used in the opposite sense to indicate that one has embraced a particular philosophy or perspective].
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